Thursday, April 28, 2011

Praise Him!

This week I am thankful for the following:

  • Brandon's birthday. We went to Indigo Farms and walked around, ate lunch, got fresh produce for the house and then we picked strawberries for the first time. We went and saw Arthur too (cute movie actually) and then I cooked dinner for him.

  • My birthday ~ He spoils me honestly and treats me way better than I could possibly deserve, but that is why he is so awesome. He bought me a book I really wanted called the "Every Girl's Guide to Life." It is a book of helpful tips to basically get your life organized and I love it so far! He also bought me a movie and yummo cheesecake and we had dinner at Olive Garden. Plus, he bought tickets to the Pelican's baseball game, but it got rained out so we are going tomorrow. Yay!

  • Tuesday night TV. That might sound weird, but I love Tuesday night television, LOVE it. One Tree Hill, Glee (this episode was crazy good), and The Voice (my new favorite obsession) all in one night. That is my kind of awesome and the hubby watches too.

  • An afternoon movie with Michelle and Brandon. Soul Surfer! More on this movie soon, but if you have not seen it...go see Seriously, it's that good.

  • Easter!!!! So thankful that He is truly alive and saved me from all of my mess. He is amazing. I enjoyed doing powerpoint for the service and I saw Madea's new movie with Brandon after service. Thankful for grace, grace, grace!

  • Good Friday Services ~ We went to ours of course at CUMC and before that we went to Beach Church's. Ours was refreshing, but I have to say that Beach Church's service good. It was nice to sit in a service with Brandon too.

  • Phone conversation with Erica!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm a Planner

I am such a planner. I love to plan vacations. I am kind of a vacation junkie. We don't go on vacations much so it isn't an issue, but once a year on our anniversary we take an anniversary trip. I start planning for the anniversary trip almost immediately, but really, I do! We are about 4 months away from our 2 year anniversary and we are both ready to get away for some "us" time. A time to reconnect.

So, this year we decided to take a trip to Asheville from Thursday when he gets off until Monday! Yay! So, I haven't broken in to obsessive planning mode which is planning by the hour, but here are some of the things we are doing or thinking about doing, if anyone has any ideas, tips, or suggestions, please let me know. :-)

  • Biltmore House (neither one of us have ever been and I've always wanted to go). They have the huge house of course, gardens, shops, restaurants, outdoor activities like biking, segway rides, horseback riding, etc.

  • Chimney Rock and Lake Lure (Dirty Dancing was filmed there and I used to vacation there when I was a kid so it'll be good to go back)

  • Grandfather Mountain (neither one of us have ever been)

  • Great Smoky Mountain Railroad Tour and Tubing (this should be fun, I think, haha)

  • Dollywood is still up in the air, I'm going to leave this one up to Brandon. If he wants to go, we will and throw one of the others out. I've never been, but it seems more kid oriented and well, we don't have kids, but I could be wrong, it's hard to tell by a website, but they do have a waterpark attached to it too! We could do dollywood instead of the train because the train seems to have great things for kids too so we could do that at a later date. AHHH..decisions!

I haven't picked a hotel yet either, so there is still more planning which makes me happy and drives my sweet hubby a little nuts!!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Age: 27 (in 1 hour)

Bed Size: Queen

Chore You Hate: tie between laudry and dishes.

Dogs: Fender, golden retriever I got Brandon for Christmas!

Essential Start to Your Day: Hug and kiss from the hubby

Favorite Color: Pink and then blue and then yellow

Gold or Silver: Definitely silver

Height: 5'6

Instruments You Play: Just my vocal chords

Job Title: Unemployed, but looking. Content right now though, have other things to focus on.

Kids: None right now, but I will be the mommy. Hehe.

Live: The beach

Married To: Best man on the planet, Brandon Goodman.

Nicknames: Stace, tick monster, staci-mae

Overnight hospital stays: Unfortunately

Pet Peeve: Bad attitudes, unforgiveness

Quote from a movie or show: "Where there is no struggle, there's no strength."

Righty or Lefty: Righty, but I can play volleyball with my left too.

Siblings: Brother, Preston who is younger. 2 older sisters, Crissy and Shannon

Time You Wake Up: Depends on the day, but normally early

Uppity or Down Person: Hmm, depends, but this is getting worked on

Vegetables You Dislike: Lets just say the ones I do like; green beans, corn and mushrooms (when I fix them). I'm trying to start liking fresh vegetables instead of out of the can

What Makes You Run Late: my procrastination, but I'm normally not late

X-rays You have had: ankles

Yummy Food You Make: Lasagna, Mushrooms, and I can bake almost anything

Zoo animal favorite: monkeys!!!!

now you know my abc's, next time won't you sing with me!